Learning progression in advanced materials research: A personal perspective

Saya diundang sebagai pembicara utama pada International Conference on Physics and Technology of Advanced Materials (ICPTAM) 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), pada tanggal 8 Oktober 2024 di Prime Plaza Hotel & Suites, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia. Berikut ini adalah abstrak presentasi saya. Beberapa foto acara konferensi dapat dilihat dengan mengklik tautan ini.

“Learning progression in advanced materials research: A personal perspective”

Hadi Nur

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Abstract. My two-decade journey in advanced materials research has been marked by a profound evolution in understanding how to select research topics. This journey can be framed within the concept of learning progression, a framework that outlines the gradual and continuous development of understanding and skills in the field of advanced materials. It identifies key stages of learning, from basic foundational knowledge to a more complex and in-depth understanding of materials, their properties, synthesis, characterization, and applications. Initially, my focus was on zeolites and related materials, driven by the modification of existing concepts. This approach gradually shifted toward exploring new concepts in catalytic materials used in heterogeneous catalysis, motivated by the desire to address substantial scientific questions. My research evolved from tool-oriented studies to more innovative topics, such as phase boundary catalysis and the effects of electric and magnetic fields on material synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis. Despite the challenges of balancing passion-driven research with the pressures of achieving publishable outcomes, this progression has led to significant personal and professional growth. The results highlight the importance of choosing research ideas that push boundaries, even when they are more challenging to publish. The conclusion emphasizes that the research ecosystem plays a crucial role in shaping the outcomes and impact of scientific inquiry, underscoring the need to navigate these complexities thoughtfully to make meaningful contributions to the field. Integrating a philosophy of science perspective provides a strong foundation for evaluating research with wisdom, ensuring that scientific endeavors in advanced materials are both innovative and ethically grounded.

Keywords: advanced materials research; learning progression; topic selection; heterogeneous catalysis; scientific impact.