Pythagoras’ numerical principles

Nowadays, our perspective on numbers significantly differs from what Pythagoras and his colleagues believed in the past. If we ponder it, their concept of numbers is truly unique. They didn’t just consider numbers as something found in mathematics textbooks or as a counting tool at the supermarket cashier. For them, numbers seemed to have their own life, carrying deeper meanings beyond mere value or quantity.

Now, consider whether we are starting to perceive numbers similarly. For example, when we see the numbers on our birthdate, it’s not just a marker for blowing out candles; rather, it symbolizes the unique story that each of us has. When we look at scores in sports, it’s not only about winning or losing but also represents the tale of effort, hard work, and spirit exhibited by athletes.

However, in this digital era, we have grown accustomed to the numbers that appear on our mobile phones and computer screens. These numbers are often only seen as data or information that needs to be processed. We forget that behind each number may be a story, meaning, or even profound philosophy.

Sometimes, we need to take a step back and try looking at numbers in a more ‘Pythagorean’ way. Who knows, by doing so, we might discover new perspectives or deeper meanings of things that we have always considered ordinary. Just imagine: the world could become even more fascinating if we could see beyond the numbers displayed right before us.

Ranking and numbers

Regarding ranking, this can be a perfect example of how numbers can have more meaning than just position or order. In many aspects of life, we often encounter ranking systems, starting from class rankings and top song lists to the ranking of countries in various global indices.

When we attempt to view things through the ‘Pythagorean lens,’ ranking is not just about who is number one, two, or three. Rather, it could be about the stories behind the struggle to achieve those positions, what we can learn from those at the top, and also how we can appreciate the process and effort made, not just the end result alone.

For example, in sports, the numbers on the scoreboard or athlete rankings do not only indicate who is faster or stronger. Instead, they can also reflect dedication, discipline, and a spirit of continuous effort, which can inspire us all. In an academic setting, class rankings can teach us about the importance of hard work and how each person has uniqueness and strengths that are not always measurable by numbers.

By viewing rankings not only as numbers or positions but as reflections of stories, struggles, and deeper meanings, we can come to appreciate the process and journey more. Instead of just focusing on the end goal, this perspective can make us more empathetic and appreciative of others’ efforts. It may also motivate us to strive in our own way without being overly fixated on numbers or rankings.

So, perhaps it’s time for us to start looking at numbers and rankings with a broader and deeper perspective, similar to Pythagoras. Who knows, by doing so, we might discover meaning and happiness in the process, not just in the achievements.