The philosophy of science in context

My book, “The Philosophy of Science in Context: A Philosophical Interpretation for Indonesia Higher Education,” has been successfully published. This book aims to illuminate how philosophy can shape our understanding of science and demonstrate how this understanding can be applied within the context of Indonesia’s higher education system. Please visit UMM Press to obtain this book. To read more, click the link provided above.

Amid the noise that fades in the cave of Plato, we stand, staring at the shadows that pass through the walls of our lives. This book is not just a collection of papers; the hand drives us from darkness to the brighter light of knowledge.

Imagine us, cave inhabitants trapped in shadows, now faced with a wider and deeper reality. With this book, gently but surely, I am trying to free us from the snares of ignorance and lead us on the path to a more tangible understanding of science and philosophy and of the world and all its complexities.

I am trying to invite you to a dialogue with every page turned. It’s not just a dialogue between me and a reader. It’s a dialogue between us, ourselves, and the world. Science philosophy is no longer a floating concept but a tool, a bridge between theory and practice, science and life.

This journey is a journey from darkness to light. It wasn’t an easy journey. There is resistance, there is fear, and there’s skepticism. However, this book never gives up; it invites us to step, one foot in front of the other, toward a broader and deeper understanding.

And in the middle of that journey, we learn not just about science or philosophy but about ourselves, our societies, and the changing world. We learn not only to accept shadows as reality but also to find sources of light to understand and appreciate the complexity and beauty of knowledge.

I try to describe this book as a journey, a dialogue, or a process of liberation. It’s an open invitation to all who dare to think, dare to ask, and dare to change. Every page invites us to understand the philosophy of science and what it means to be a human being who continues to try to comprehend the world around us.